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# Covenants 19th -April – 2023

We are still on the series, If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do? [Psalms 11:3]. The Lord was very clear, and He told me that they create wealth. They allow God to give them power to create wealth. Why? Because God is interested in establishing His covenant. Deuteronomy 8:18, But thou shalt remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee POWER to get WEALTH, that he may ESTABLISH his COVENANT which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. He says in Acts 1:8, But ye shall receive POWER, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you

The reason why God gives us power is a three prolonged plan:

  1. He gives you power to create wealth so that He may establish His covenant [Deut 8:18].
  2. He gives you power so that you may be a witness of what He does [Acts 1:8b].
  3. He gives you power so that you may fight and win [1 Samuel 30:8].

All these three things are very important. You must win your battles. You must be a witness of the goodness of God, and may He do for you a miracle that will make you a witness.

He gives us power that He may establish; start, build, and reorganise His covenant. His covenant is from generation to generation. He said, I have remembered My covenant which I made with Abraham [Exodus 2:24]. God may have not made a covenant with Pr. Robert Kayanja, but He made a covenant with the believers that whosoever believes will not perish but have everlasting life [John 3:16]. That is a covenant. He may have not made a direct covenant with me to give me wealth, riches and to protect me, but He made it with my forefathers. He gave it to Abraham and his seed [Galatians 3:29].

When I believe the God of Abraham, the blessings of Abraham become me and yours [Galatians 3:14]. Jesus cut a covenant for us on the cross, because for you to make a covenant, you must shed blood. Jesus Christ because he was flesh, he had to bled and God used that blood to create a covenant [Matthew 26:28]. God is a spirit and not flesh, so He has no blood. Abraham was flesh and he circumcised himself. He shed his blood so that God could cut (make) a covenant with him [Genesis 17:24-27].

These are the two covenants: the Abrahamic covenant and the Messianic covenant. Between these two covenants, there is also the Davidic covenant, and that covenant was for kingship and lordship [2 Samuel 7:12-16]. We are priests and kings [Revelation 1:6]. We are Kings according to the order of David, and priests according to the order of Aaron.

However, covenants are Abrahamic and Messianic. These are the two covenants, and the others are just orders. God gave an ORDER and David came up. God gave an ORDER through Aaron. These two covenants God wants to establish them in you so that the blessings of Abraham, and the power of Jesus may come to the gentiles.

                                          Say like you mean it: I am a covenant person.

Because you belong to the Abrahamic and the Messianic covenants, God is going to fight your battles without you knowing, and He is going to defeat your enemies [Exodus 14:14]. You’re about to become the head and not the tail [Deuteronomy 28:13].

                                    I declare, you’re going to become rich in Jesus’ name.

That’s why, in these covenants, we rejoice, we praise the Lord [Philippians 4:4]. Our confidence is yes and amen, and we are on a sure foundation because of these foundations.

Therefore, He gives us power to create wealth. Wealth is a creature and God has given us power to create it. Not to show off but to ESTABLISH His covenant [Deuteronomy 8:18]. Why does God want to establish His covenant? Because the enemy is on earth, and he has a plan. He cannot attack heaven anymore, but he can attack the earth, and yet the earth and the heaven belong to God. Psalm 115:16, The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men.

God will not allow the devil to build his kingdom here: God will not allow satan to use His Image to attack Him. Its man who brought satan here through the order of Adam in Genesis 3, and now God has given us a covenant to fight back such that we can chase the devil away [Romans 5:12]. For we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us [Romans 8:37].

                                        The demons in your family are about to obey you because you have a covenant.

When we go to heaven, there will be no need of being like God, we shall all be changed in a twinkling of an eye [Philippians 3:21], but its important to be like God [1 Thessalonians 4:16-17]. When we reach heaven, we shall not evangelise for people to get saved, because everybody who will be there will be saved. There will be no need for you to be wealthy because heaven is for wealthy people. There’s no hunger and thirsty in heaven. There’s no day nor night. You don’t need Yaka (Umeme) in heaven. Money lending and loans, the roads in heaven are made of gold. If you need money, you just pick a piece of gold from your sidewalk.

But here on earth, you must be like God. You must be like Jesus and walk like him [2 Corinthians 5:20]. You need the Holy Spirit, the word, and money. In heaven, you will need nothing. The moment you get there, they will show you your mansion [John 14:2]. As long as you are here, may God give you a house in the city and in the countryside. In heaven, there’s no sickness but here, malaria attacks people. And may God give you divine protection. In heaven we shall be dressed in GLORY not clothes.

Brethren, it’s very important to understand when He stated, “His WILL be done On earth as it is in heaven” [Matthew 6:10]. This is not your WILL but His. He has certain desires to be done on earth: He wants you to be the head and not the tail. The phase you’re about to enter, it is not yours but His will.

In Psalm 23 verse 1, it states, The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not <sup data-fn="#fen-NKJV-14237a" data-link="[a]”>[a]want. There’s a phase you are entering when you will have no want nor lack. He goes on to say, He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. Not your name’s sake! You don’t want to go there, but He will lead you where to pass…He knows you are crazy, but He is going to put you in the way of righteousness…

                                     This year is a year for His will to be done.”

I trust you have been blessed with this teaching about covenants. You can watch a replay on the link below.

Remember to be a part of our Dream Interpretation Services every weekday from 7pm here at the Miracle Centre Cathedral, and DON’T MISS OUR FRIDAY POWER PACKED MIRACLE OVERNIGHT FROM 6PM [EAT].

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